
Designed by and for users

Career path

// 2013 Bertin Technologies Industrial and technology innovation / Toulouse (31) / Professional Internship
Research project in Bertin Ergonomic department for Airbus.

// 2010-2012 Art director in Free Lance / Montpellier (34)
Advice, conception and realization of print and web graphic projects. Technical supports. Proofreading.
Defining of web technical specifications. Sub-contracting for Global Communication Agencies.
Customers: Contrepoint (CG du Gard, Montpellier Agglomération, Agora – International City of Dance, Fabre Museum, Ethos – Advices in strategic marketing and business development…), Symaps (Socri), Mare Nostrum Aquarium…

// 2006-2010 Kaliop Computer Engineering Services Company / Montpellier (34)
// 2006-2010 NovaTerra Global Communication Agency / Montpellier (34)
Graphic charter design and reporting for several projects and supports (print and digital).
Customers: Cofinoga Shop, Motor Presse, Véolia transports, WWF, CIRAD…

// 2004-2006 Blachère Ilumination SA Solutions of event decorations / Apt (84)
At design office of the leader international company in event illuminations: designing, creating, ciphering and positioning of decors. Realization of internal communications.
Customers: Principality of Monaco, Solverde Casino (Portugal), Festival of Trees and Lights, Genève (Suisse)…

// 2004 Axome Web site editing / Saint-Étienne (42) / Professional Internship
Supervised by the creator, the developer and the commercial manager: realization of various web projects.
Customers: Coutellerie Neron, Eiffage construction…

// 2000-2003 Groupe Gutenberg OnLine – Gutenberg Networks
Editing platform, DDB Group / Saint-Étienne (42) / Professional Internship
Achievements of graphic project subsequently in “Design”, “Digital” and “Communication” departments.
Customers: Groupe Casino, Unicef…